$37.00 USD

The Happy, Relaxed & Successful Woman 21 Day Meditation Challenge

Unplug from Hustle, Prioritize Your Wellbeing, Strengthen Your Success Mindset and Reconnect with Yourself

What you'll get:

  • 21 Daily Guided Meditations 
  • Short Insights about daily theme
  • Daily Self-Reflection Prompts

You deserve to experience a deeper sense of grounding, freedom and emotional wellbeing without having to earn it or work hard for it. This 21 day journey will guide you to uncover new insights and shed what is no longer serving you so that you can move forward towards your goals with more calm, clarity, courage and confidence.

Each day has a guided meditation and optional reflection questions for you to journal on. They are designed to help you uncover blocks and blindspots (in a safe way) that may be blocking you from succeeding in a sustainable way and creating the relationships and life you are working so hard to create.

What People Are Saying:

The meditations and journaling prompts really resonated with me. I've got the "I can rest when I earn it" programmed into my brain and I am questioning what it looks like if I'm focusing my time on something other than work. As I let go of my work and commitments my mind has been really trying to grasp this concept of "rest" and I've had some inner turmoil about this as well as some grieving. I appreciate all the work you've put into making this program. It's been supporting me through this next phase. ❤️


I am loving the daily meditations and journaling (thank you!). As a fellow student of Joe Dispensa, I think today I finally had the AHA moment of what he means about mornings ❤️


Thank you so much for these meditations! An aha moment I had is that I really didn't want to let a version of myself go that isn't serving me anymore.
